Code deployment in Salesforce :
Keep deploying and make your app shine
Very basic question often asked by newbies, how do I deploy the code in Salesforce, here are two simple video that explains how easily you can deploy your apex code (classes/controller) or the whole application consisting (pages/tabs/custom objects/apex class) all together in few click(s) of mouse
Deployment to different organization (dev/sandbox/production) is primarily done through two different modes
1. Deployment through IDE (link attached)
2. Deployment through Salesforce Changesets
I thought of creating the videos for both the process, but I lately found pretty neat video on my subscription of few channels on Salesforce, these presentation were pretty neat and helpful for you understand it real quick
Salesforce Deployment using Change Sets (credit: Salesforce)
Using IDE Demo ( credit : SfdcVj )
Keep deploying and make your app shine