If you have read my last post on ' Getting started with Node.Js ' then its the time to move on to next post on building cool application on Node.js by integrating to Force.com platform. My application is inspired and supported by code-base shared by +Christophe Coenraets (Developer Evangelist here at +Salesforce )where he posted a neat article on building API explorer on Node.
I forked the idea, revamped my logic and complied to create a SOQL Tool on Node.js which turn out to be couple of hours hacking
Create a connected application by going to setup->app -> new connected app. Name you application and keep call back url as http://localhost:3000/oauthcallback.html
Since we will be hosting the application on localhost:3000, on success we return to oauthcallback.html page which stays in the directory provided in the github repository.
Once you create the application - you receive the client ID auto generated which you need to copy on the app.js file as shown here
After successfully creating the application, you see the client_Id add the client Id to app.js file here
Follow the instruction shown the video to run the application successfully on your machine.
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