James Derulo's


How to make Google Polymer powered Salesforce1 Mobile Apps in Minutes

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In this mobile first era of software development, making an mobile app powered by enterprise data is still not a smooth process. Salesforce offered variety of tools to make power packed enterprise applications, last year Salesforce released mobile packs, dedicated for most of the popular libraries, offering jump start to developers coming from varied platforms.

Web components on the other hands offer promising future, and have fundamentally changed the way developers think of application building. Google Polymer have done wonderful job of offering framework to built components. At salesforce, mobile sdk team took early lead and developed Mobile Pack for Polymer.

Who are working on web-components ?

Major of known companies, are working on building components driven frameworks,  Salesforce released Lightening Framework, which is based on Aura project offer components driven development pattern.  In Dreamforce' 15 +Samantha Ready at Salesforce had showcased, leading frameworks

Mobile Pack for Polymer is offered with Polymer Designer tool, this tool host all components that mobile team have built, and can be easily assembled to make mobile apps in minutes, you can toggle from designer to see the code behind. In other words, you can easily build mobile application by dragging dropping components,  in a mobile designer fueled by Salesforce data, this experience was never so easy.

Recently, I spoke at Google workshop for Polymer called ItsHackademic in Mountain View, CA.  I presented our work at Salesforce. To our surprise, it turn out, that we at Salesforce, have done one of the best implementation of Web-components. As Google quoted us in talks,

"Salesforce have radically changed application building experience of mobile apps just by web components, like no other"  - Google 

I have written about this library previous post here, but today ,I recorded a video demonstrating, how easily you can built an application by components re-use them to add more values.

The video below takes you to the journey of building a Salesforce powered mobile application and I'll explain here how to make Salesforce 1 mobile Apps in minutes. You can re-use this component to pull data and create more components on top of it, not just mobile but can be web.

Make web applications by reusing components 

I took data-component, shown in video, at added Javascript library called Amcharts, to populate charts with data. Check out my another library here demonstrating, how to built visually appealing and responsive (mobile ready charts) in minutes here on official Salesforce blog.

Google Polymer with Salesforce

Check out presentation slides below, for lightning talks covering only highlights not full presentation coverage

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1 comment:

  1. Wow, what great information. I am sure the info on your blog will help salesforce app developer, as I am trying to do as well.

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