James Derulo's


Multiple ways to use REST API with Salesforce

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REST API is much more popular architecture for connecting/integrating systems and communicating with the help of exposed methods . Salesforce had launched tons of API in last couple of years, so as opened opportunities for people to connect data in multiple ways.

I am trying to sum up some guidelines and tutorial (not everything) but many things, this is the collection of methods/process that you developers can use to play with REST API's specially focusing Salesforce.com development. The idea behind this post, to collect rest resources together at one place for developers to chose from. 

For the most of the method I am discussing here, I am using OAuth2 protocol to connecting systems. Let's jump start by logging in to your Salesforce org, create a connected application, you can keep the callback url as provided (default by salesforce) it varies based on implementation, explained here and summarized in my previous post(s)

How to Access Salesforce REST Api using Curl

Curl is client URL request library, the allows you make REST calls through developer console in Window/Mac. Now to understand how to access any salesforce API with curl, check out this post here

Salesforce REST API using Chrome Developer Console

Once you login to Salesforce, here is the another post sharing, how to access Salesforce REST API using Jquery through Developer Console 

Salesforce REST API with Google Chrome

Salesforce REST API using Node.Js

+Christophe Coenraets  has written 30 lines of code post using Node.js to make REST Console Editor for self, check it out and then I added my bit on top it to make SOQL query basic editor using REST API, don't forget to check +Jitendra Zaa post on building Node.js SOQL query builder here

Salesforce REST API using Node.js

Using the Toolkit in an HTML page outside the Force.com platform via Forcetk Library

+Pat Patterson wrote simple implementation using RemoteTK on a visualforce page, check out his git repository here 

Salesforce REST API using JSForce Library :

JSForce is one of the most organized library I came across written by my friend +Shinichi Tomita and former salesforce employee who founded MashMatrix, here how to integrate here 

Using JSForce with Salesforce | Oyecode

NGForce : Library on Javascript

Powerful javascript library written by +Kevin O'Hara , check out this amazing video here

Built your own API using nothing but Apex

There are few use-cases and scenarios, when you need to expose you salesforce method to post and return back data, which can be exposed out to world as REST Endpoints, can using Salesforce standard REST architecture and OAuth (1&2) patterns, you can communicate with enterprise data. 
Learn how to built your own REST api using Apex here

RESTForce Gem for Ruby on Rails 

Simply neat and powerful that I have used and very lightweight alternative to databasedotcom gem for Ruby Guy and use Rails. Easy to access data, here are few snippets, to get started read amazing tutorial written by Bruno Fagundez  on RestForce here 

How to built ForceServer?

Well, don't forget the checkout my favorite evangelist amazing post here at Salesforce +Christophe Coenraets on building local server to streamline oAuth and REST Services with Salesforce

Using REST API to connect Google Docs with Salesforce

Learn to built Google Script, and connect Salesforce Platform, pull and push data by writing Salesforce from Google Script Connecter I wrote,  learn to built script that connects with Salesforce using REST API and push/pull data on a Google Drive Spreadsheet here

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